How to get more sales on Shopify by creating scarcity

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How to get more sales on Shopify by creating scarcity?
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Have you ever felt the rush to buy something because it was labeled “limited edition” or “selling out fast”? That’s scarcity at work in online shopping—it makes products seem more valuable when they’re harder to get.

Scarcity marketing takes advantage of this by making brands more appealing and increasing sales. Online stores create urgency with tactics like limited-time offers, flash sales, and countdowns. These tricks trigger FOMO—the fear of missing out—making customers more likely to buy.

You will see this strategy applied a lot on Shopify websites to generate more sales revenue. So, how to get more sales on Shopify by creating scarcity? In this article, we will go through best scarcity practices that you can learn and work on your site.

What is scarcity in marketing? 

Scarcity marketing taps into customers’ fear of missing out on something they want. When brands use scarcity tactics, they limit how much of a product is available or set a deadline for purchasing it. This makes the product seem more valuable and encourages people to buy it quickly, boosting sales effectively.

How to get more sales on Shopify by creating scarcity: 7 best practices

Creating a sense of urgency can really help increase sales on your Shopify store. When customers feel like they might miss out, they’re more likely to buy quickly. How to get more sales on Shopify by creating scarcity? Here are some simple ways to use scarcity to boost your store’s performance:

Create flash sales

A surprise sale that pops up out of nowhere, offering great deals for a limited time. That’s a flash sale—a quick, exciting event that gets customers eager to buy right away.

When your business becomes known for these flash sales, customers start paying more attention to your messages and announcements. This attention can lead to more interest in what you offer and more sales.

Here’s why flash sales are great:

  • Use texts, emails, social media, and ads to let everyone know about your flash sale and reach more people.
  • Give loyal customers the first chance to buy during a flash sale. They’ll feel appreciated, and you’ll build stronger relationships.
  • Flash sales can bring in lots of sales quickly, which is perfect if you need to increase your cash flow fast.
flash sales on shopify

(image from Disco: Flash Sales & Discounts)

Create countdown timers 

Instead of just mentioning an end date for your sale, consider adding a countdown timer to your product page. A visual timer has more impact because customers literally see time ticking away.

Countdown timers create urgency and prompt customers to act quickly. You’ve likely encountered these timers on ecommerce sites before—they’re effective in pushing customers to make immediate decisions.

Place countdown timers strategically, such as above the “Add to Cart” button on your product page. Highlighted in red and impossible to miss, these timers remind shoppers that time is running out to take advantage of discounts.

a countdown timer octopus

Create limited-time offers

In retail, timing can make all the difference. Limited-time offers are more than just sales—they’re smart tactics that use the idea of scarcity to boost sales and excitement. Whether you’re launching something new or bringing attention 

back to a favourite product, limited-time offers should be part of your plan.

When there’s a deadline, customers feel the need to act fast. Knowing they only have a short window to get a deal makes them more likely to buy.

Scarcity makes things seem more valuable. If something is only available for a short time or in limited numbers, it feels more special to customers.

Limited-time offers not only help sell things but also get customers more interested in what you’re offering. They’ll keep coming back to see what’s new and grab the next deal.

Types of Limited-Time Offers:

  • Lowering prices for a short time to give customers a better deal.
  • Giving away extra stuff with purchases, but only for a limited time.
  • Selling things that are unique or won’t be available again.
  • Making it so customers don’t have to pay for shipping, but only for a little while.
the screenshot of kylie cosmetics

(limited-time offers from Kylie cosmetics)

Create exclusive product drops 

Sometimes less is more. Instead of telling customers how many are left, tell them how many you have total. This strategy works best for products that are limited edition or where you only make and sell a set number.

Product drops, like when a company releases a limited edition for a short time, are popular with sneaker and fashion brands. But this tactic isn’t just for big names and influencers.

By saying there’s only a limited number available, you make customers feel like they need to get it now before it’s gone. It’s a smart way to build excitement and make your products seem more exclusive.

an octopus in an exclusive box

Create urgency in content (copywriting) 

Creating urgency isn’t just about limiting how much you sell—it’s also about how you talk to people. The words you use on your website, in ads, and in emails can make people feel like they need to act fast. 

  • Tell people why your offer is unique. Whether it’s a short-term discount, a special version of something, or features no one else has, explain why they shouldn’t wait.
  • Say things like ‘Buy Now’, ‘Don’t Wait’, or ‘Limited Time’. These words make people feel like they should decide right away.
  • Make people worry they’ll miss out. Mention that there aren’t many left, or say when the deal ends soon. It makes people want to buy now instead of later.
  • Show reviews from happy customers. When people see others like what you offer, they trust it more and feel like they should buy before it’s gone.
  • Use people’s names and write messages that match what they care about. When it feels like you’re talking directly to them, urgency feels real and makes them more likely to act.

Create social proof

Have you ever bought something because others said it was good? That’s social proof—it’s when we trust what others say or do when making our own choices. When shoppers see positive reviews and customer actions, it tells them a product is worth buying.

Social proof isn’t just about trust—it also shows that you’re reliable and popular. This can make people feel like they might miss out if they don’t buy soon, which can lead to more sales.

Combine social proof with other tactics like showing how many items are left or using countdown timers. These tricks can make your product page more effective and increase your sales.

Create email to remind the customer that  “cart” products are limited in stock

70% of shoppers leave their carts without making a purchase, it’s time to take action. 

When someone leaves items in their cart and then does not complete the purchase, you can send a follow-up text or email with a link to their abandoned cart. You can advise them that you cannot guarantee that stock will be available in the future and advise them to complete the purchase.


Which Shopify plugins are best for creating countdown timers?

Explore plugins like Essestinal countdown timer bar and Countdown Timer Bar for Shopify, which allow you to easily add countdown timers to product pages and cart checkout. These tools help create urgency and boost conversions by highlighting limited-time offers.

What Shopify plugins can help with creating flash sales? Consider plugins such as Bold Discounts or Disco, designed to schedule and manage flash sales on your Shopify store. These plugins automate the process of setting up time-sensitive discounts to drive quick purchases.

Are there Shopify plugins that integrate with email marketing for scarcity campaigns? Yes, plugins like Klaviyo and Omnisend integrate with Shopify to automate email campaigns featuring scarcity tactics. They allow you to send personalised countdown emails, notify customers of limited-time offers, and track campaign effectiveness.


We hope you now know how to get more sales on Shopify by creating scarcity after reading this article. There are many tips and tricks, but remember not to overuse or misuse them, as it can frustrate customers. If you’re seeking a solution for your Shopify store, contact Kahunam for Shopify retainer services.

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